Course curriculum

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    • Description

    • Objectives

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    • Atmosphere and Ozone Layer

    • Ozone

    • Breathing Air

    • Air

    • Air Pollution

    • Air Pollution

    • Air Pollutants

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    Indoor Pollution

    • Indoor Pollution

    • Asbestos

    • Benzene

    • Sulfur Dioxide

    • Carbon Dioxide

    • Carbon Monoxide

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    Other Pollutants

    • Organic Gases

    • Ammonia

    • Heavy Metals

    • Particles

    • Formaldehyde

    • Organic Pollutant

    • Volatile Organic Compound

    • Zinc

    • Chromium

    • Tin

    • Acrolein

    • Cadmium

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    Pollutants and Health

    • Pollutants and Health

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    Breast Cancer and Pollutants

    • Breast Cancer and Pollutants

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    • What is Water

    • Water On Earth

    • Water and Life

    • Access to Water and Agriculture

    • Pollution and Agriculture

    • Freshwater

    • Saltwater

    • Water Consumption in the US

    • Water Treatment

    • Water Quality

    • Water Pollution

    • Water Pollution

    • Water and Industries

    • Pesticide in Water

    • Heavy Metals in Water

    • Heavy Metals in Water

    • Arsenic

    • Benzene

    • Lead

    • Nitrates

    • Water and Disease

    • Fish, Algae, and Pollution

    • Blue Algae

    • Bottled Water

    • Acid Rain

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    • Alzheimer's

    • Parkinson's

    • Cancer

    • Food Allergies

    • Hperactivity and Color Additives

    • Obesity

    • Typhus

    • Typhoid Fever

    • Salmonella

    • Cholera

    • Guinea Worm

    • Gardlasis

    • Shigellosis

    • Meloidosis

    • Listeriosis

    • Alkalosis

    • Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning

    • Schistosomiasis

    • Whipworm Infection

    • EXAM PART 5