Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Description

    • Outcomes

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    Therapies Supporting Detox

    • Hydrotherapy

    • Balneotherapy

    • Perspiration

    • Sauna

    • Massage

  • 3

    Cupping Therapy

    • Cupping Therapy

    • What is Cupping?

    • History

    • Benefits

    • Contraindications

    • Side Effects

    • Types of Cups

    • Air Cupping

    • Aquatic Cupping

    • Dry Cupping

    • Electrical Stimulating Cupping

    • Herbal or Bamboo Cupping

    • Hijama

    • Fire Cupping

    • Flash Cupping

    • Mixa of Hot Cupping

    • Moving Cupping

    • Wet Cupping

    • Sessions

    • How to Use the Cups

    • Determing Cup Pressure

    • Yin, Yang, and Qi Made Simple

    • Accupuncture Points

    • Shu Points

    • Mu Points

    • Meridians/Channels

    • Meridian Correlations

    • 12 Principal Meridians

    • Stomach Channel ID

    • Stomach Channel - ST, Earth, YANG, Yellow

    • Spleen Channel ID

    • Spleen Channel - SP, Earth, YIN, Yellow

    • Small Intestine Channel ID

    • Small Intestine Channel

    • Heart Channel ID- HT

    • Heart Channel - HT, Fire, Red

    • Heart Channel ID- PC

    • Heart Channel, Pericardium - PC, Yin

    • Bladder Channel ID

    • Bladder Channel - UB, Water, Yang

    • Kidney Channel ID

    • Kidney Channel - Yin, Water, Blue or Black

    • Triple Warmer Channel ID

    • Triple Warmer Channel - TB, aka Triple Heater, TH and San Jiao

    • Gall Bladder Channel ID

    • Gall Bladder Channel - GB, Yang, Wood, Green

    • Liver Channel ID

    • Liver Channel - LV, Yin, Wood, Green

    • Lung Channel ID

    • Lung Channel - LU, Metal, Yin, White

    • Large Intestine Channel ID

    • Large Intestine - LI, Yang, Metal, Yang, White

    • Five Organs = Five Elements

    • Earth Element

    • Fire Element

    • Metal Element

    • Water Element

    • Wood Element

    • Cupping Marks and Interpretation

    • Cleaning the Cups

    • Obtaining the Cups

    • Cupping Therapy and Detox

    • Cupping Therapy and Detox

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    Bach Flowers and Detox

    • Bach Flowers

    • Bach Flowers and Detox

    • Making Bach Flowers

    • Classification of Back Flowers

    • Methods of Use

    • Choosing the Right Flower

    • The 38 Bach Flowers

    • Agrimony

    • Centaury

    • Impatiens

    • Heather

    • Holly

    • Walnut

    • Oak

    • Elm

    • Sweet Chestnut

    • Crab Apple

    • Larch

    • Mimulus

    • Cherry Plum

    • Aspect

    • Rock Rose

    • Red Chestnut

    • Cerrato

    • Scleranthis

    • Gentian

    • Gorse

    • Clematis

    • Hornbeam

    • Wildoat

    • Honeysuckle

    • Wildrose

    • Olive

    • Mustard

    • Chesnut Bud

    • White Chesnut

    • Water Violet

    • Vine

    • Chicory

    • Star of Bethlehem

    • Pine

    • Willow

    • Vervain

    • Beech

    • Rock Water

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    Lymphatic Drainage

    • Lymphatic Drainage

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    • Reflexology

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    Kansa Foot Massage

    • Kansa Vatki Foot Massage

    • Ghee

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    • Introduction

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    Essential Oils

    • History or Origin

    • What is an Essential Oil?

    • The Properties of Essential Oils

    • Properties & Descriptions

    • Terms - Therapeutic Properties & Essential Oils

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    Essential Oils - Chemical Groups

    • No Two Oils are Alike...

    • Acids

    • Alcohols

    • Coumarins

    • Esters

    • Ketones

    • Terpenes

    • Phenols

    • Sesquiterpenes

    • Oxides

    • Aldehydes

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    Essential Oil Dosages and Cautions

    • Dosage

    • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

    • Precautions to be Taken

    • Essential Oils to Use on Infants

    • Pregnancy Massage

    • Other Cautions

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    Essential Oil Toxicity

    • The Toxicity of Essential Oils

    • Skin Tests

    • Photo-sensibility

    • Irritation

    • Sensitization

    • Summary

    • Safety Rules

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    Vegetable Oils

    • Vegetable Oils

    • Properties of Vegetable Oils

    • Aromatherapy and Detox

    • Aromatherapy and Detox

    • Aromatherapy and Detox

    • Basil

    • Black Pepper

    • Holy Basil

    • Bergamont

    • Cedarwood Atlas/Atlas Cedarwood

    • Cedarwood Himalayan/Himalayan Cedarwood

    • Cedarwood Virginian/Virginian Cedarwood

    • Cypress

    • Fennel/Sweet Fennel

    • Grapefruit

    • Juniper

    • Lemon

    • Majoram

    • Mandarin

    • Patchouli

    • Peppermint

    • Pine Scots/Scots Pine

    • Rosemary

    • Rose de Damas

    • Tea Tree

    • Tumeric/Curcuma

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    Glossary of Therapeutic Terms

    • Glossary of Therapeutic Terms

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    Supporting Therapies

    • Algotherapy

    • Klamath

    • Chlorella

    • Spiriluna

    • Carbotherapy

    • Clay Therapy

    • Clay Therapy

    • Physical Activity

    • Yoga Therapy

    • Iridology

    • Iridology and Detox

    • Shiatsu

    • Reiki

    • Meditation

    • Ionic Detox Foot Spa

    • Chakra Therapy and Detox

    • EXAM PART 7