Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Cupping Therapy

    • Welcome to Cupping Therapy!

    • Course Objectives

    • Course Outcomes

  • 2

    History, Description, and Cupping Therapy

    • What is Cupping?

    • History

    • Cupping Therapy

  • 3

    Benefits, Contraindications, and Side Effects

    • Benefits

    • Contraindications

    • Side Effects

  • 4

    Types of Cups

    • Types of Cups

    • Air Cupping

    • Aquatic Cupping

    • Dry Cupping

    • Electrical Stimulating Cupping

    • Herbal or Bamboo Cupping

    • Hijama

    • Fire Cupping

    • Flash Cupping

    • Mixa of Hot Cupping

    • Moving Cupping

    • Needle

    • Laser Cupping

    • Pulsating

    • Wet Cupping

  • 5

    Cupping Sessions

    • Sessions

  • 6

    Using the Cups

    • How to Use the Cups

  • 7

    Cupping Pressure

    • Determing Cup Pressure

  • 8

    Cupping Marks

    • Cupping Marks and Interpretation

  • 9

    Cleaning and Obtaining Cups

    • Cleaning the Cups

    • Obtaining the Cups

    • After Care

  • 10

    Cupping, Massage, Sports, and Aromatherapy

    • Cupping Massage and Aromatherapy

    • Cupping and Sports Recovery

  • 11

    Children and Cupping

    • Children and Cupping

  • 12

    Yin, Yang, Qi

    • Yin, Yang, and Qi Made Simple

  • 13

    Accupuncture Points

    • Acupuncture Points

    • Shu Points

    • Mu Points

  • 14

    Five Organs Five Elements

    • Five Organs = Five Elements

    • Earth Element

    • Fire Element

    • Metal Element

    • Water Element

    • Wood Element

  • 15

    The Meridians Channels

    • Meridian Channels

    • Meridian Correlations

    • Stomach Channel - ST, Earth, YANG, Yellow

    • Stomach Channel ID

    • Spleen Channel - SP, Earth, YIN, Yellow

    • Spleen Channel ID

    • Small Intestine Channel

    • Small Intestine Channel ID

    • Heart Channel - HT, Fire, Red

    • Heart Channel ID- HT

    • Heart Channel, Pericardium - PC, Yin

    • Heart Channel ID- PC

    • Bladder Channel - UB, Water, Yang

    • Bladder Channel ID

    • Kidney Channel - Yin, Water, Blue or Black

    • Kidney Channel ID

    • Triple Warmer Channel - TB, aka Triple Heater, TH and San Jiao

    • Triple Warmer Channel ID

    • Gall Bladder Channel - GB, Yang, Wood, Green

    • Gall Bladder Channel ID

    • Liver Channel - LV, Yin, Wood, Green

    • Liver Channel ID

    • Lung Channel - LU, Metal, Yin, White

    • Lung Channel ID

    • Large Intestine - LI, Yang, Metal, Yang, White

    • Large Intestine Channel ID

  • 16

    Placing the Cups

    • Disorders Treated with Cupping

    • Back Pain

    • Back Pain Anatomy

    • Back Pain and Cupping Therapy

    • Back Pain and Aromatherapy Massage

    • Back Placement

    • Lower Back Pain

    • Back Pressure an Accupoints

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Symptoms

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    • Carpal Tunnel Anatomy

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Aromatherapy Massage

    • CTS and Cupping Placement

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Acupoints

    • Pes Planus Anatomy

    • Feet And Aromatherapy

    • Feet and Cupping Therapy

    • Feet and Acupoints

    • Ankle and Cupping Therapy

    • Frozen Shoulder anatomy

    • Periarthritis

    • Frozen Shoulder and Aromatherapy

    • Frozen Shoulder and Acupoints

    • Frozen Shoulder and Cupping Therapy

    • Headaches and Migraines

    • Headaches and Cupping Therapy

    • Headaches and Acupoints

    • Torticollis

    • Cervical Sprain

    • Cervical Sprain and Torticollis acupoints

    • Cervical Sprain, Torticollis and Aromatherapy Massage

    • Cervical Sprains, Toricollis, and Cupping Therapy

    • Rotator Cuff

    • Rotator Cuff Anatomy

    • Rotator Cuff and Aromatherapy Massage

    • Rotator Cuff and Cupping Therapy

    • Rotator Cuff and Acupoints

    • Sciatica Anatomy

    • Sciatica description

    • Sciatica and Aromatherapy

    • Sciatica and Cupping Therapy

    • Sciatica and Acupoints

    • Tennis Elbow

    • Tennis Elbow and Aromatherapy Massage

    • Tennis Elbow and Cupping Therapy

    • Tennis Elbow and Acupoints

    • Anatomy of the IT Band

    • IT Band Cause and Symptoms

    • Ilio Tibial Band and Cupping Therapy

    • Ilio Tibal Band and Acupoints

    • Gluteals

    • Knee and Cupping Therapy

  • 17

    Potential Income Explained

    • Income Explained

  • 18

    Release Form

    • Cupping Release Form

  • 19


    • Assignment

  • 20


    • Cupping Therapy Exam

    • Congratulations !!