
This information is provided for educational purposes only, and should NEVER replace a medical professional's advice or consultations.

The course provided on this website, including the text, images, audio, and videos, is the property of Sylvie Toussaint. None of the material contained within this course may be used / reproduced without consent. Your information will not be sold to any third-parties.

Learning Objectives

In this course, students will learn:

  • Students will gain an understanding of the various muscles by visualizing and learning about their actions.

  • Students will learn various important information regarding the muscular system, including the three different types, muscle organization, muscle contraction, and muscle functions.

  • Students will learn about the different muscle actions and how each particular muscle can make a specific action possible.

Learning Outcomes

After this course, students will be able to:

  • Students will be able to understand, identify, and remember all major muscles and their actions.

  • Students will be able to understand, identify, and remember all major muscles' origin, insertion, and action.

  • Students will be able to relate the types of muscles, muscle organization, muscle contraction, and muscle function for the muscles discussed in this course.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Copy of Registration Form - Please fill out this form before starting the course.

    • Muscle Course Syllabus

    • Muscles Listed in This Course

  • 2

    Muscular System

    • Muscular System Overview

    • What is a Muscle?

    • Muscle Functions

    • Muscle Action

    • Muscle Contractions

  • 3

    Muscle Types

    • Types of Muscles

    • Smooth Muscle

    • Striated Muscle

    • Cardiac Muscle

    • The Urethral Sphincter Muscle

    • Structure of the Muscle Cell

    • Muscle Fibers and Stimulus

    • Functional Categories of Muscles

    • Aerobic vs. Anaerobic

  • 4

    Skeletal Muscle

    • Skeletal Muscle Anatomy

    • Organization of a Skeletal Muscle

    • Skeletal Muscle Anatomy

    • Skeletal Muscle Functions

    • Skeletal Muscle Physiology

    • Skeletal Muscle Tissue Characteristics

    • Skeletal Muscle Attachments and Group Actions

    • Axial and Appendicular Skeletal Muscles

  • 5


    • Levers

    • What are levers?

    • Principle of Levers

    • Characteristics of a Lever

  • 6

    Head Muscles

    • Overview

    • Head Muscles

    • Muscles That Move the Eye: Extraocular Muscles

    • Ear Muscles

    • Muscles of the Nose

    • Muscles of the Mouth

    • Muscles of Mastication

    • Tongue Muscles

  • 7

    Muscles of the Neck and Spine

    • Overview

    • Pharynx Muscles

    • Larynx Muscles

    • Muscles of the Neck / Muscles That Move the Neck

    • Suboccipitals

  • 8

    Muscles of the Chest and Abdomen

    • Overview

    • Abdominal Muscles

    • Thorax Muscles

    • Torso Muscles

    • Respiration Muscles

    • Muscles of the Vertebral Column

    • Oblique and Rectus Muscles

  • 9

    Back Muscles

    • Back Muscles

    • Muscles that Move the Spine

  • 10

    Pelvis and Perineum Muscles

    • Pelvis and Perineum Muscles

    • Muscles of the Pelvis

    • Muscles of the Perineum

  • 11

    Upper Limb Muscles

    • Overview

    • Upper Limb Muscles

    • Muscles that Move the Forearm and Upper Arm, Rotator Cuff Muscles, and Forearm and Hand Muscles

    • Extensors of the Forearm and Hand

    • Hand Muscles

    • Muscles that Move the Hand and Wrist

    • Muscles that Move the Fingers

  • 12

    Lower Limb Muscles

    • Overview

    • Lower Limb Muscles

    • Muscles that Move the Lower Leg, Hip, and Thigh

    • Muscles of Pelvis and Thigh, Muscles that Move the Thigh and Hip

    • Lateral Rotators of the Hip

    • Quadriceps Femoris Group

    • Muscles of the Foot (Intrinsics)

    • Muscles that Move the Foot

  • 13

    The Muscular System and its Common Pathologies

    • Overview

    • Back Pain

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    • Tennis Elbow

    • Torticollis and Cervical Sprain

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Sciatica

    • Pes Planus (Flat Feet)

    • Frozen Shoulder

    • Rotator Cuff

    • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

    • Sprain

    • Strain

    • Elongation, Muscle Strain, Muscle Spasm, Contracture, and Dislocation

    • Headaches

  • 14

    Exam / Assignment

    • Assignment

    • Exam

    • Congratulations!!

Registration, Cancellation, and Refund Terms of Service

  • Purchasing for the course:

    Click which course you would like to purchase. Press the 'Enroll' button. Create an account; if you already have an account created, enter the remaining information. This course's material can be accessed from a laptop, tablet, or cellphone.

  • Technical difficulties:

    If you have a technical difficulty / question about the course, please email [email protected]. However, if you're having a technical difficulty with the website that the course is provided on, please contact Thinkific customer support.

  • Due Date:

    The time of completion for this course will vary from person to person. Due to this, all courses will be available for 12 months from the date of purchase.

  • Quiz:

    Most of the course lessons have quizzes at the end. Once the lesson material is finished, please take the quiz as many times that is needed to obtain a perfect score. After the course lessons are all completed, there will be a final, comprehensive exam. Success in this course is dependent on your active participation.

  • Cancellation / Refund:

    Online courses are non-refundable. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. Once you have purchased the class, it is your responsibility to finish the material within the 12 month period.

  • Course Completion

    This course can be taken at any time; the time to complete this course will vary from person to person. All courses are available for 12 months from the date of purchase.

  • Certificate of Completion

    When you have finished the course and passed the final exam, you must send your assignment and course evaluation in the mail to the address provided at the end of the course. Upon receipt, your certificate of completion will be mailed to you. Further information can be found at the end of each course.

  • Inclement Weather Policy

    Alternative Therapy Clinique is committed to the safety of our students, therefore, Sylvie Toussaint will follow the decisions of Rockwall and Terrell ISD in regards to inclement weather, including: mass electricity or heat outage and extreme temperatures. Classes will be cancelled in accordance with Rockwall School District. Please tune into any of our local news stations or PISD website for further updates. In the instance of evening or weekend classes scheduled outside of operating hours, a phone message outlining whether class will be held will be sent.